Hello world !!

This is my last week in the OEDK.  I have been working on our high fidelity prototype. It has been fun overcoming the challenges that kept popping up when prototyping such as burning up a couple of motor drivers due to high current from faulty DC power sources, purchasing wrong project materials etc. We have successfully completed our project with only one important test left to be done, hopefully it will pass the test.

It has been a wonderful experience, learning the very basic skills needed for engineering design. Knowledge of basics is a pre-requisite to becoming an expert in any field. My engineering eyes have been opened. I can see challenges as opportunities in need of a solution. Not only have I gained hard skills but also i have improved my communication skills and also team working skills.

I’m greateful for Rice 360, Dr Hunter, Dr Wettergrene, Proffessor Gene Frantz, our TA’s Grant and Adolf, OEDK staff members and all the sponsors

One Response

  1. Carolyn Huff at |

    I agree that you have accomplished at great deal–and in a very short time. I see a great deal of improvement in your communication skills in this blog. You have met so many challenges, as you mention here, with grace, as shown by your presentation today. Harrell and I are quite pleased with the progress you made on what was once called the project “Take a Breather.” You have improved and added features of what is such an important device, as a nurse told me today, when I was telling her about it. Harrell and I wish you success as you share your many skills with others in Malawi.


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