Embarking on an Exciting Journey: Journaling My OEDK Experience

Hey there, everyone!

I’m Boluwatifenisolae Jemiriye, a proud member of the amazing Team Carbon Negative. I’m currently a 4th-year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student at the University of Lagos in Nigeria. 

Oops, I must admit, I’m a little late to the blogging party, but better late than never, right? So, let’s jump right into the exciting world of my experience here at the OEDK!

I just arrived in the US a couple of weeks ago (about two weeks ago), and, believe it or not, I only found out about this awesome blogging opportunity last week. Talk about perfect timing! But hey, no worries; I’m here now, and I promise to make up for the lost time.

I can’t wait to share all the thrilling moments, challenges, and triumphs that come along with being a part of Team Carbon Negative. It has been a rollercoaster ride of innovation, learning, and loads of fun!

Stay tuned for my upcoming post, where I’ll catch you up on all the exhilarating things that happened in my first week at the OEDK. Trust me, it’s going to be an exciting journey that you won’t want to miss!

Until then, keep smiling, stay curious, and let the adventure begin!

See you in my next post!

Odabo 😉 ! (Which means “bye” in my native language, “Yoruba”)


my welcome package from Rice360 & the SEED team leads 🙂

meee at OEDK!

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