third week in OEDK

Hello again!

This week we finally finished our research! After we made a 2 hours meeting where we shared our DCR with all other groups and received some advises. On Tuesday we made our design criteria, and I found out that was a little bit challenge because we didn’t know exactly  how to do our UDS for the objective “easy to understand”, but after some discussions we’ve finally reached an agreement.

Introducing Team Can’t Brachius!

Wednesday we did our brainstorming, we came up with a lot of different ideas, now we are trying to morph them, but its very difficult. Our problem its not simple to solve, so we need to think very careful before we decide anything, and its very hard to visualize the ideas without put them in practice. We are trying to be more calm as possible, to think very wisely in our options to create something awesome.


One Response

  1. Carolyn Huff at |

    Harrell and I so pleased with your project and enjoyed meeting you yesterday. We are looking forward to your working towards “something awesome” and learning and enjoying your time together.


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