Weekend IS HERE,Happy 4th of July My American Friends in China!!!!Quite a week this has been, three days packed with almost everything life has to offer. Started off the week with mid summer presentations looming and so i and my fellow noise makers dived into creating a power point presentation in readiness for that. In doing this the biggest challenge we faced was coming up with a sound map that would ideally represent the noise levels in the basement of the OEDK. After some research, we found a way around it and created an amazing 3D map off MAT LAB. Just before knocking off, we had a test run on the presentations with the help of Grant and he pointed out on where to improve and what we had done quite amazingly and thats how Monday ended.
The following day was presentations day and i spent the morning editing the power point presentation where Grant had pointed out. The presentations were upon us in the afternoon and they went by without a glitch, Clement and Dylan presented while myself and Audrey were reserved for the final presentations.After a two hour session of presentations, the team reconvened and ventured into learning how to solder and recreating the previous team’s circuit. The soldering part went alright, it was the recreation part that gave us a headache since following the circuit we found in Decibel’s Destroyers files didn’t help. We decided to continue working on it the next day but Dr Wettergreen advised us not to waste much time on it and give it one more try the next day. The day was going as normal until supper time when an asp stung me and had me at the hospital an hour later.Am feeling much better now after taking painkillers,thanks for asking.
Today, that we wasted no time but gave the recreation of the circuit one more go,this time with well rested heads. We decided to do some research on the connection of LED strips and found out we just needed some transistors and a 12v power supply and all our problems were solved.After this breakthrough, half the team was tasked with coming up with a circuit diagram off the successful connection we had made while the other half analysed the arduino code and tried to improve it. Audrey and I with the help of Grant managed to come up with a much improved code and successfully tested it with the circuit and it worked perfectly after some troubleshooting.
After troubleshooting, i logged on into my blog and started typing the very content you are reading right now and now, AM DONE with a huge smile on my face ready to have me some fun on this LOOOONG Weekend..
You are pretty casual about the asp thing and going to a hospital. I guess you are undaunted by challenges, regardless of their source. It sounds as if you are having plenty of them with your project. Congratulations on coming up with an improved code.
Your team’s presentations went quite well. I look forward to hearing you and Audrey present later.
I agree you deserve some fun on the LOOOOONGGGG weekend!