So time has come, this is the last week of the SEED internship!! It’s a little bit sad to know that it’s the end of it, I think everyone accomplished a lot of things, learned a lot of new skills during this program, and will really miss this great summer.
My week started with me going to NASA on Sunday, it was really a great experience, I really enjoyed going there and getting to know a lot of new facts and future projects of them. It’s actually a huge place and have a lot of stuff to see and learn.
Then on Monday I started to do the battery analyzer circuit, because the parts that I ordered finally arrived, so I could finally test the design that I made, by the end of the morning I was able to finish soldering and when I test it, it didn’t work, so then after a conversation with Dr. Woods I understood what was the problem, I ordered the wrong IC, Integrated Circuit, so I couldn’t continue testing it, during this day the team was testing the acrylic enclosure for the batteries but at the end of the day it didn’t work well enough, it had a lot of leakage between the batteries.
On the next days we had a meeting with Dr. Hunter and Dr. Wettergreen, on that meeting it was decided that we would try the case design that they made for our device, so we did a low fidelity prototype of it and it worked really well. Then was set a plan for making three working, devices so we could test them, but we were not able to do that, we tried to do it but we had a lot of problems with the boards and then we had to try to fix them and it took quite a while.
After that we had our final presentation, it went really well and we had a great audience! All of the teams presented their projects and demonstrated to everyone on the audience how each of the devices works and the future plans of each team.
We also had a cleaning up day. The basement of the OEDK was really messy so we had to work really hard to make everything looks good again. I clean up the tables and the computers downstairs and afterwords I went to the wood shop with Bruno and we vacuum all the wood dust that had in there. It also had a few meetings during the day so we knew what we should accomplish on the clean up. Everyone that works here at the OEDK got really impressed with the clean up and we didn’t even had finished it yet.
Today we will finish the clean up and have a lot of different meetings and postmortem, so we can discuss how was the summer for each team and discuss how did we like the SEED internship at the OEDK.
So sadly after this 7 weeks of work and accomplishments, it comes to an end. That’s the last blog that I will be writing, I will really miss all of the things that we did here and all of the people that made this program to be an awesome experience, I will never forget all the things that I learned in here and this was really one of the greatest opportunities in my life.
Thanks for everything and see you again soon!!!
“Carlos, write your freakin blog.” – Jeremy
I am so glad you had such a productive and meaningful experience at Rice this summer.
It seems to me you were part of an amazing team and program.
Thank you for contributing your time and talent to such a worthwhile project. You have an amazing future.