We started the week by continuing our initial design and iterating upon our low-fidelity prototype. We ended up completely redesigning the tactor casings to better accommodate our vision for the prototype. We also decided to try pipe cleaners instead of string to improve the comfort of the prototype. Our prototype now has a better fit and is much more comfortable than before.
On the programming side of the project, we have been learning more about the linear resonance actuators (tactors) to figure out the most effective settings for testing. We are searching for the frequency that is most recognizable and distinctive. We are also brainstorming some ideas for creating our program that will direct the tactors during testing.
This week, we also received our soundcard, extra tactors, and aux cables. With that, we have begun brainstorming more heavily. Each of us came up with 20 ideas and then discussed each one to create a morph chart, screening matrix, and scoring matrix to find our final solution. Although we all have a few similar ideas, the process really helped us find our vision for the final solution for our project.