From last week Thursday, week continued working on the zoo project, enrichment device for Luna, the red river hog. We completed the problem understanding stage of the engineering design process. We evaluated our brainstormed solutions and decided to design an extended feeding time device which would engage Luna in some physical exercises when feeding. We named the solution PVC dig. We came up with the low fidelity prototype and developed it into medium fidelity prototype. We also carried tests on the prototype. This experience has enabled me to get some understanding of how to transfer an solution idea into a working prototype.
team Bear low fidelity prototype
All work no play makes Jack a dull boy! The week end was awesome, we had so much outside class activities from which i learned a lot of things which are helpful for my personal development. Friday evening, we went to the Aquarium to participate in the salsa free dancing lessons. I interacted with different people of different cultural backgrounds. We also went to the Museum of art and natural sciences which provoked my mind’s creativity. I was so inspired.
Currently, we have started working on the main project. I have been assigned with a team to work on automatizing a Bag Valve Mask. This device will be used in the low resource setting. We have called our team LLAMA, Lung Lasting Automated Mechanical Assistance. I am very eager to learn the constraints that are involved with innovations for low resource setting and how to come up with sustainable solutions for low resource countries’ engineering challenges.