This week included the deepest dive I’ve ever taken into coding in C. Even if I only coded the distance between two lines, I felt like I was a coder in the Matrix. One of my screens was the typical bright green and black and the other one housed the actual lines of code. It was an incredible experience. Although, as I was writing stuff about arrays and input values I couldn’t help but realize that these seven weeks are coming to a close (or an end if you like code). The experiences I have had so far this summer are bittersweet (kinda like the goat milk popsicle at the Tuesday SEED farmer’s market outing) to look back on.
My team also got MORE SYRINGES! Yay! We had already implemented the old syringes into our interpolation and regression algorithms so we definitely couldn’t test those syringes against our algorithms because they are the algorithm. Quite the Catch 22 (if you haven’t read this book you definitely should because it is one of the best books ever known to mankind). We even drew a circular logic chart to show how circular our logic is. If you haven’t gotten the theme for this week’s blog, it’s all based on circular logic. So instead of testing those syringes, we decided to buy some more. They arrived today and my team couldn’t be more excited. This means we will finally be able to test the algorithms we’ve been working so hard on for the past couple weeks!
The other major event for the week was my team’s creation and testing of our prototype. We asked around 30 people to help test how easy and accurate it is to determine the inner diameter of the syringe solely from two lines taped onto the Kasupe. Our incentive was some chocolate and the chance to talk to me and my team members for 5 minutes. Wow! No one should’ve passed up that opportunity! When our results came in, we realized that lines are mostly accurate with the exception of some human error cases. It was very important for us to note how and when human error became an issue since stressed nurses in a hospital would be even more prone to making mistakes simply because they are in such a rush to save lives.
I can’t wait for next week when we get to test how our algorithms work!
Now for a quick joke about circular logic:
The brain is the most important organ you have….
According to the brain
WOW Mind Blown