Hello my Twitch Supporters that spend all their parents moneys with meaningless donations dear blog readers, my name is Eduardo Pagnoncelli Lorandi ( the famous lpe1 ) and this week 4 work days felt like 6.
Okay, let me first explain the “4 work days…”:
Yes! This week we had the famous American Independence holiday, 4th of July, and as being my first time in American soil, it is obviously my first Fourth of July also!!
The SEED team decided to make a classic barbecue in the backs of Martel College, with the rights of every barbecue item. Related pic:

Good ol’ Burgers, hotdogs, beer (I’m over 21 BTW), everything included!
Although I already knew some of the Fourth of July traditions, it was indeed a pretty new experience for me. Also, I couldn’t help but feel kind of related with the celebration because Brazil is also a colony country that was founded by European travelers, and celebrates the Independency day.
The rain that was pretty strong by the morning threatened our plans, but it ended by the late afternoon, and the BBQ went smooth. After eating, we went to the last floor of Martel College Sundeck, to watch for the fireworks, in the beginning we were thinking of giving up because we spent more than 1h waiting, but only managed to hear the fireworks from very far away, but then, the Herman Park fireworks started (which we thought were the far away ones we were listening), and we could appreciate the full 4th of July experience!
And now, let me explain the “… felt like 6”.
Even though we had a break in the middle of the week, it doesn’t mean that we had a calm one.
The SEED project had a lot of appointments and our team rush to get things done, because after choosing our final solution, we had to start a new research phase, analysis how to take out of the paper our idea, and bring to reality, and let’s be fair, that’s the biggest challenge of all.
Not only we had all this workload, but also the team S-Caliber had it’s Mid-Summer Presentation, where we should show and defend our final idea, giving, the technical explanation on how this solution was the better one, and how the team came with this concludion. The presentation included the participation of the OEDK researcher/engineers, and also Grant, the responsible for “Kasupe 2.0”:
Well, indeed this was a very “condensed” week: short work time with high workload!