The fabled Champions League Screening Matrix

In this exciting week of SEED with Foot for a King, we choose two final ideas, make some CRISP drawings, and develop some low fidelity prototypes. This is the week of all weeks, when decisions are made and loyalties are drawn.

We started by continuing the work of screening, culminating in the League of Champions. Here we took the best of the best, the cream of the crop, and faced these powerful solutions against each other. In this brutal process we eliminated the weakest of the bunch, leaving us with 7 solutions to score. We researched these extensively, building cost tables, detectability matrices, and durability analyses. I’ll gloss over the realities of this extensive and effective scoring method, but we found 2 final solutions, both stationary devices. We took these and made some incredible [C R I S P] hand sketches to show them off to our comrades and our clients.

Interlude: Critical Mass – I haven’t talked much about what happens outside of the OEDK much yet, but this deserves a paragraph. As a group SEED activity, we decided to go on a fun bike ride together. We found a city ride, called Critical Mass, that promised some fun adventure. Reading directly from the Critical Mass Houston website, it is a “casual bike ride”, a “slow-paced ride where persons of all skill levels can participate”. We grabbed one water bottle each and headed out, blissfully unaware of the danger that was to follow.

We did not know what were getting into

13 miles later, we arrived in Jacinto, Texas, outside the Houston jurisdiction. We had been out of water for two hours. We wondered how we were going to find our way from the endpoint to a metro stop. We were wrong. This was not the endpoint. This was the midpoint.

Mile 26: We found a metro stop. We ran through two massive overpass hills, the exit crowds of an Astros game, and long swaths of country roads. We took a train and went to I-Hop to bask in our victory, unwittingly biking more miles. At this point, it was midnight. By the time I got home and slept, it was 2:00am. Fun, casual, social ride. Yep.


Back to engineering: We made a presentation showing off our progress thus far, filled with cool images and statistics. We went from the motivation to the design criteria to the brainstorming to our final solutions. We also made some really neat low-fidelity prototypes of various potential solutions. We finished by prototyping lots of toe separators, devices to pull the toes apart for better visualization. Some cool ones are listed below.

Umbrella stick prototype features quick release action! Multicam box gets all different angles


One Response

  1. Carolyn Huff at |

    I find your presentations of what you are doing quite clear, well-worded, and interesting. Harrell and I are glad your team has made so much progress. It was interesting to see the new box and mirrors approach instead of the selfie stick.


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