It’s me again(Carlos), and I’ll be talking about my second week today!
So, in this week we have done a lot of things. On Monday we started to wear a wrist bend, for a research project, after we did our first prototype and after that each person of our group did a variation of that low fidelity prototype, and that’s mine:
On that same day we started to make our medium fidelity prototype. Tuesday we did a project involving bajajes (a type of car on India), we had to prototype it so it could participate on a race and go down a rope, we got second place, Jeremy won.
After that we came back to the Okapi medium fidelity prototype, it had to be glued, cut and sanded:
On the end of the day we finished painting it and did the presentation, we showed our design choice and the features of the device:
And then Boot Camp was over, on the nest days we got a new research project and a new group. My project is about an Oxygen Analyzer for low resources hospitals, we read all the transferring papers, it was 38 pages!, and then we started figure out how to put the device to work , and today we are going to meet with the past designer of this project, so we can get to know better about his design choice and how it works.
On Thursday we had a workshop about Need Findings, it was really amazing, the things that we learned in there. Experiencing disabilities so we can feel the struggle that people with it have. We had three different experiences:
- Blindness: So our eyes were wrapped and they gave us a large ruler so we could orient our self, we had to go all the way upstairs like that so it was really fun.
- Arthrogryposis: We had to wrap our arms and hands and try to eat a bowl of Cheerios.
- Wheelchair: They gave us a wheelchair, so we had to go around the OEDK with it and go outside.
So that was my second week here in Houston at the OEDK, I hope you enjoyed reading this!