Smooth Seas and Syringes, Please!

HELLO! Do you like numbers??? Because after this crazy week of statistics, I think I’m becoming one! Get it??? One is a number. I’m going crazy.

This week in SEED we did a lot of statistics and measurements. Never having taken a statistics course yet, I jumped in head first and didn’t quite land on my feet. First of all, what in the world is an R squared number???!! Nevertheless, I found my bearings and began learning all about linear regression and interpolation.

To begin the statistical process (of insanity), we measured the 25 syringes we had received during the summer. Each syringe had to be measured by each person on the team, in 6 different places, and then recorded into the spreadsheet. Sounds like a caliPARTAAY!! We spent approximately 50 songs worth of time (we listened to music while measuring to make sure we didn’t fall asleep) on taking the measurements. But, then, something wonderful happened… We got DATA!! It turns out that the best part of any statistical process is seeing the graphs at the end and admiring the hard work that went into each of the dots on the graph.

To couple the collection of data, we collected syringes as well. Shout out to Michael at the Rice Village Medical Supply. He located 28 syringes for us and has been giving them to us as they arrive from the warehouses to his store.

We also were taught about the 3D printers in the OEDK this week. My group was going to print a rock with a hole in the top so a syringe can be stuck into it. This goes along with the S-Caliber theme. But, unfortunately, we couldn’t get the hole in the stone to work out the way we wanted to. So instead, we made a ship called the S.S. Michael to go with my group’s favorite saying that “‘A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor”-Franklin D. Roosevelt’ -Arisa. I believe that this quote has singlehandedly gotten us through the rough seas of this week. But smooth seas are coming! Because we are now skillful sailors!

So… this Friday is Friday the 13th, so in celebration, here’s a cute ghost that represents how much of my brain is filled with statistics at this point. Sea you soon!

Image result for statistics puns

P.S. Going off of the sea theme for the week… What does seaweed say when it’s stuck at the bottom of the sea?


… “Kelp! Kelp!”

One Response

  1. Carolyn Huff at |

    “Sea you soon”? Your blog is so amusing, but your team has really impressed Harrell and me with the progress on your project. We enjoyed our time with all of you yesterday. You make all your efforts seem mere blips sort of shaped like the ghost above.

    You consistently write and present well.


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